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Ensuring Menstrual Hygiene For All Women In The Region

  • by Barsha Brahma
  • 30 Jan, 2023

In North East India, menstrual hygiene is an ongoing concern. Poor menstrual hygiene can lead to a number of health problems, including pelvic infection and even maternal and child mortality. Inadequate menstrual hygiene also impacts the ability of women to participate in economic activities and education. This blog will provide an overview of the situation with menstrual hygiene in North East India, as well as discuss some ways that we can work together to improve access to menstrual hygiene products and services for all women in the region.

One of the most important factors that determines whether or not a woman has adequate menstrual hygiene is her socioeconomic status. Women from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to have poor access to basic needs such as clean water and sanitation facilities, which can impact their ability to practice proper menstruation hygiene. Additionally, many women do not have easy access to reliable sources of information about menstruation and contraception. This lack of knowledge often leads them to make uninformed choices about their reproductive health, which can exacerbate their period problems.

We want to ensure that all women in North East India have easy access to information about menstruation and contraception so they can make informed decisions about their health. To this end, we are working towards building partnerships with local NGOs that distribute reliable information on reproductive health topics such as menstruation hygiene. We are also providing training on proper menstrual hygiene practices for individuals who work with girls or young women in the region. Finally, we advocate for increased availability of affordable menstrual products and services so that all women can enjoy improved sanitation conditions and better-quality reproductive health care.
